Many open source software packages have been developed at the Personal Robotics
Lab in support of our research. This page describes our core packages, and also
includes documentation on how to setup a development environment to use them.
Software List
Most of our public software is hosted on GitHub.
- Core Packages
- AIKIDO - AIKIDO is a C++ library for solving robotic motion
planning and decision making problems. This library is tightly integrated
with DART for kinematic/dynamics calculations and OMPL
for motion planning. AIKIDO optionally integrates with ROS for
execution on real robots.
- pr_ompl - Collection of motion planning algorithm
implementations for the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL).
- AIKIDO Plugins / Utilities
- pr_assets - Object models used by the Personal Robotics Lab.
- pr_tsr - Common task space regions used by the Personal
Robotics Lab.
- pose_estimators - ROS interface for Python pose
- Perception
- k2_bridge - Windows-Linux bridge for subscribing to Kinect 2
data via ROS.
- Controllers
- HERB-Specific Packages
- herb_description - URDF and SRDF descriptions of HERB.
- herb_launch - Launch files for HERB.
- libherb - C++ library for interacting with HERB.
- libbarrett - Library for real-time communication with the
Barrett WAM and BarrettHand, updated for Xenomai 3.
- barrett_ros_control - ros_control hardware
interface for the Barrett WAM and BarrettHand.
- schunk_neck - ros_control hardware interface for the
Schunk PW70 pan-tilt actuator.
- ADA-Specific Packages